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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: FOXM1 binds directly to non-consensus sequences in the human genome

Fig. 6

Proteomic analysis shows that the FOXM1 DBD mutants bind to same proteins as the WT. a Schematic diagram showing RIME analysis to identify FOXM1 co-binding proteins. b Coverage of GFP-FOXM1 and associated high-confidence interacting proteins. Yellow shading indicates regions of peptide coverage and the green shading shows post-translational modifications identified. (Prob = probability, # pep = number of peptides, %Cov = % protein coverage). c Table showing the average number of peptides identified for the six top proteins present in the WT GFP-FOXM1 pull-downs. d Co-immunoprecipitation showing pull-down of B-MYB, LIN9, and TF2B with a GFP antibody in extracts from HEK293 cells expressing WT, H287A, and R286A GFP-FOXM1 DBD mutants and GFP only. e Schematic diagram showing phosphorylation sites identified by Proteome viewer in a WT GFP-FOXM1 RIME sample. The color indicates the identification probability. f Diagram showing the position of previously identified phosphorylation sites in FOXM1b (red indicates serine and green threonine residues). The table indicates sites identified from the RIME analysis in WT and R286A DBD mutant GFP-FOXM1, with novel sites highlighted in green

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