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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: Differential connectivity of splicing activators and repressors to the human spliceosome

Fig. 4

Connectivity of splicing factors to the human spliceosome. a Relationship between the Weighted Degree (wDEG) and Betweenness (wBET) among spliceosomal proteins. Each spliceosomal protein is represented as a bubble. The bubble’s position indicates wDEG and wBET scores. The size of the bubble denotes wDEG or wBET statistical significance (−log10 of the minimum q-value). The color of the bubble specifies the FC to which it belongs (same color code as Fig. 2). White bubbles correspond to unclustered proteins. Black dots represent the wDEG and wBET scores of 1,000 randomized PS networks. Names of the top 20 statistically significant proteins are shown. For more information, see Additional file 8: Table S5. b High-connectivity spliceosomal proteins. Top 20 proteins for wDEG and/or wBET, based on rankings from Additional file 8: Table S5. The yellow square contains proteins in the top 20 for both wDEG and wBET; the blue and red squares contain top scorers for wDEG or wBET, respectively. Both X and Y axes show ranks in logarithmic scale. c PPIs at P in ≥0.9 formed by the designated proteins are shown as red edges (node colors as in Fig. 2). The pie charts indicate the proportion of interactions at P in ≥0.9 formed between each protein and members of its own cluster (black), other clusters (white), and unclustered proteins (gray). For additional information, see Additional file 10: Figure S3. d wDEG and wBET for splicing activators (red) and repressors (blue) of the SR and hnRNP families, according to annotations in the RegRNA database ([26], Additional file 5: Table S3). The traced square indicates a speculative boundary separating activators from repressors

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