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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: Differential connectivity of splicing activators and repressors to the human spliceosome

Fig. 2

Assembly of the PS network. The flowchart illustrates the identification of functional clusters (FC) of physically/functionally related proteins within the PS network. a The adjacency matrix of P in values for all possible protein pairs was processed with the Hierarchical Clustering algorithm, using Pearson correlation as a distance metric. Clusters were automatically assigned using the Genesis program (every cluster is represented by a different color). b Assembly of the PPI network, showing in this example PPIs with cutoff P in ≥ 0.9. c q-values resulting from the hypergeometric test to assess the relationship between every cluster and each functional category. Only q <0.1 are shown. The size of the bubble is inversely proportional to the q-value (bottom right). Functional terms were divided into four categories, and represented as a tree structure. The asterisks indicate groups of proteins that are exclusive to a particular category (for example, C-complex-specific proteins). The colored circles on the right correspond to the clusters identified in A. d A network of FCs. FCs are represented as squares labeled with the most significantly enriched functional categories. The square size is proportional to the number of proteins in the FC. Edges are shown for connections with CIJ score >0.2. E.T. = Export and Turnover

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