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Figure 4 | Genome Biology

Figure 4

From: The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

Figure 4

Immune gene counts in bumblebees relative to selected insects. Number of genes belonging to 29 categories of immune genes are presented in the cells. Heat colours in a cell reflect the number of genes in that category relative to those other species (light blue: fewer - dark red: more). The tree represents a clustering analysis using Euclidean distances based on the number of genes within these groups. AMP = Antimicrobial peptide, APHAG = Autophagy, CASP = Caspase, CASPA = Caspase A, CAT = Catalase, CLIP = CLIP serine protease, CTL = C-type lectin, FREP = Fibrinogen-like, GALE = Galectin, GNBP = Gram-negative binding protein/Beta-glucan recognition protein, IAP = IAP repeat, IGG = Immunoglobulin, IMDPATH = Imd pathway, JAKSTAT = JAK/STAT pathway, LYS = Lysozyme, ML = MD-2-related lipid recognition, NIMROD = nimrod, PGRP = Peptidoglycan recognition protein, PPO = Prophenoloxidase, PRDX = Peroxidase, REL = Relish, SCR = Scavenger receptor, SOD = Superoxide dismutase, SPZ = Spatzle, SRPN = Serine protease inhibitor, SRRP = Small RNA regulatory pathway, TEP = Thioester-containing protein, TOLL = Toll genes, TOLLPATH = Toll pathway.

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