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Figure 2 | Genome Biology

Figure 2

From: Transposable elements modulate human RNA abundance and splicing via specific RNA-protein interactions

Figure 2

hnRNP H1 CLIP-Seq coverage clusters at specific TE motifs. (A) Two replicates of hnRNP H1 CLIP-Seq alignments show an alignment coverage peak at the same position of an antisense L2c element in B4GALT2. (B) hnRNP H1 alignments are enriched for antisense L2c overall, and coverage on the consensus 3′ end of the element clusters on two AG-rich positions. Coverage was normalized to sum to one across the TE span. (C,D) In contrast, Tigger1 is depleted for hnRNP H1 overall, but nearly all alignments cluster on particular positions in both the sense (C) and antisense orientation (D).

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