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Figure 4 | Genome Biology

Figure 4

From: Analysis of the copy number profiles of several tumor samples from the same patient reveals the successive steps in tumorigenesis

Figure 4

Bladder tumor progression trees reconstructed with the TuMult algorithm. Thirteen samples from five patients were analyzed with the TuMult algorithm to reconstruct the tumor lineage and sequence of chromosomal aberrations in each case. Aberrations are annotated as follows: (--) homozygous deletions, (-) losses, (+) gains, (++) amplicons. Aberration boundaries are indicated in terms of chromosome cytobands. Tumor progression trees with aberrations indicated in terms of homogeneous segments are available, together with the segment description tables, from the TuMult web page [43]. Losses of chromosome arms 9q and 11p are underlined, along with homozygous deletions of 9p21.3. The aberrations -9q and -11p were the most frequent early events in the tumor progression trees. In addition, -9q and -11p occurred together on the same edge significantly more frequently than would be expected by chance (P = 0.0025). This was also true of -11p and -9p21.3 (P = 0.012). Clinical details for each sample can be found in Table 1.

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