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Table 3 Use cases of extended data types

From: XGAP: a uniform and extensible data model and software platform for genotype and phenotype experiments

Sample is a Subject with the additional property that 'Tissue' can be specified

Individual is a Subject with the additional property that relationships with Mother and Father individuals, as well as Strain, can be specified

PairedSample is a Sample with the additional property that 'Dye' has to be specified and which two Subjects (or subclasses such as Individual) are labeled with 'Cy3' and 'Cy5'

An InbredStrain is a Strain with the additional property that the 'Parents' (mother Individual and father Individual) are specified and the 'type' of inbreeding used

An amplified fragment length polymorphism, microsatellite or SNP Marker (is a Trait) may refer to genetic and possible genomics location (Marker also is a Locus)

A correlation computation (Data) reports associations (DataElement) between Metabolite (is a Trait); because Trait and Subject are both extensions of DimensionElement, they can be connected to a row and column of DataElement interchangeably