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Table 1 Summary of genotype-dependent differences in striatal gene expression profile between mouse strains

From: Morphine effects on striatal transcriptome in mice

Fold change of mean mRNA levela

129P3/J strain

C57BL/6J strain

DBA/2J strain

SWR/J strain


906 (+295)b

925 (+511)

888 (+277)

924 (+391)


261 (+50)

230 (+108)

288 (+53)

256 (+60)


99 (+9)

68 (+29)

111 (+14)

89 (+9)



20 (+6)

48 (+5)


  1. The mouse strains evaluated were 129P3/J, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and SWR/J. aFold change over mean mRNA level from all four strains for 3,457 significantly different probe sets. Relative expression levels were computed from MBEI perfect match/mismatch (PM/MM) data. bTotal numbers of probe sets are presented. In addition, numbers of transcripts with increased level comparing to mean are included in parentheses.