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Figure 5 | Genome Biology

Figure 5

From: Multiple effects govern endogenous retrovirus survival patterns in human gene introns

Figure 5

Analysis of an ETn ERV in the context of human HOXA9. A full length ETn ERV was placed in the context of HOXA9 intronic sequence and splice and polyadenylation signals were found using the programs GeneSplicer and polyadq, respectively (see Materials and methods). Signal strengths were determined by comparing software scores for each signal with profiles of signals found in human genes and are shown by their bar height and font size. P, polyadenylation signal; A, splice acceptor; D, splice donor. Base-pair position of each signal is shown above and is given in relation to the sequence of the ETn element used in this analysis (NCBI accession Y17106). The five most frequent events predicted by in silico transcription assay are lettered 'a' to 'e' and their relative frequencies are shown by the thickness of the predicted exons. These exons correspond to in silico exonizations 14, 8.4, 8.4, 36, and 8.0 percent of the time. Numbers in parentheses are actual cases of ETn-mediated transcriptional disruption [5].

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