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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: hadge: a comprehensive pipeline for donor deconvolution in single-cell studies

Fig. 3

Joint deconvolution recovers high-quality cells. A Overview of the steps to extract cell variants from common SNPs in the population based on the assignment of Multiseq and Vireo. B Heatmap summarizing the donor matching result shows that DemuxEM and Multiseq are in high concordance with all genotype-based deconvolution methods, where all the donors are matched with a high matching score. C Correlation heatmap of donor identification between Vireo and Multiseq. D Sankey plot summarizing the percentages of cells deconvoluted by hashing (Multiseq) and after the joint deconvolution step (Vireo). E Number of donor-specific variants used as input for the refinement step. F Sankey plot summarizing the percentages of cells deconvoluted by hashing (Multiseq) and after the refinement step

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