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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Library size confounds biology in spatial transcriptomics data

Fig. 1

Detection density and total detections/library sizes are associated with biology consistently across different spatial molecular technologies, organs, and species. a–d Detection density per bin/spot plot for Visium dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), Xenium mouse brain, STOmics mouse brain, and CosMx non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) reveal tissue structure. e–h Regions annotated for each bin/spot using the Allen Brain Atlas for the mouse brain and manual annotation based on immunofluorescence markers of CosMx NSCLC. i–l Number of cells plot against the total detections/library sizes per bin/spot, colored by the tissue region, showing the region-specific relationship between cells and total detections/library sizes. m–p Average total detections/library sizes per cell for each region, computed as the sum of detections divided by the number of cells for each region, showing that related regions exhibit similar total detections/library sizes per cell. As the mouse brain datasets have over 100 regions annotated, color schemes from the Allen Brain Atlas are used where only larger structures are colored. (Note: truncated outlier marked by x)

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