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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: SuperCellCyto: enabling efficient analysis of large scale cytometry datasets

Fig. 2

SuperCellCyto preserves biological heterogeneity. A Distribution of supercell purity for Levine_32dim and Samusik_all datasets across different gamma values. Red dot denotes mean purity of the supercells. B Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) illustrating the agreement between supercell clustering and manually gated cell type annotation for Levine_32dim and Samusik_all datasets. C ARI comparison between supercell and single-cell clustering. D Identification of rare B cell subsets through clustering of supercells. Median expression of cell type markers across supercells for each cluster and B cell subsets for the Oetjen_bcell dataset. E The abundance of B cell subsets across all samples as identified by clustering supercells generated for the Oetjen_bcell dataset. Cluster 46 represents the extremely rare Plasma cells which make up only 0.002% of the cells. Only clusters annotated with B cell subsets are shown

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