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Fig. 2 | Genome Biology

Fig. 2

From: PMF-GRN: a variational inference approach to single-cell gene regulatory network inference using probabilistic matrix factorization

Fig. 2

GRN inference in S. cerevisiae. A Consensus network AUPR with a normal prior-knowledge matrix (N): PMF-GRN (red) performance compared to Inferelator algorithms (AMuSR in yellow, BBSR in orange, StARS in green), SCENIC (blue), and CellOracle (purple). Dashed line represents the baseline if expression data is combined. Negative controls: no prior information (NP―black) and shuffled prior information (S―gray). B 5-fold cross-validation baseline: each dot with low opacity represents one of the five experiments. Colored dots and lines depict the mean AUPR ± standard deviation for each GRN inference method. C GRNs inferred with increasing amounts of noise added to the prior. D Calibration results on S.cerevisiae (GSE144820 [8] only) dataset. Posterior means are cumulatively placed in bins based on their posterior variances. AUPRC for each of these bins is computed against the gold standard (see the “Methods” section for details)

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