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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: DNA methylation remodeling and the functional implication during male gametogenesis in rice

Fig. 4

Effect of cmt3a and cmt3b mutations on DNA methylation in zygote and/or egg cells. a Comparison of overall TE methylation levels in sperm (S), egg (E) and zygote (Z) of wild type and cmt3a, cmt3b mutants. Values of the methylomes are averages from the two replicates. The average methylation levels (white dots) and median values (black bars) are shown. b Number of differential methylated regions (DMR) in the indicated mutant cells relative to wild type. Different colors indicate the distribution of DMR in TE (red), gene (light green), intergenic region (pink), and TEG (yellow). c Venn diagrams showing overlapping of hyper-CHG DMRs in zygote relative to sperm (Z-S) (upper) or egg (Z-E) (lower) and hypo-CHG DMRs in cmt3b zygote relative to wild type zygote (3bZ-Z). d Box plots showing DNA methylation levels of Z-S (upper) or Z-E (lower) hyper-CHG DMR of the indicated cell type. The significance was calculated with multiple comparison tests. Different letters on top of the bars indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05). e Screenshots of CHG methylation levels of 5 representative genes in the indicated cell

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