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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Prediction of metabolites associated with somatic mutations in cancers by using genome-scale metabolic models and mutation data

Fig. 5

MGPs predicted for CNS-GBM/Oligo. a IDH1-associated target metabolites (red stars) in the MGPs predicted for CNS-GBM/Oligo, and those with experimental evidence from previous studies (yellow stars). This map shows the overall consistency between the IDH1-associated target metabolites predicted and the reported studies. Red lines indicate reactions in a target pathway involved in the predicted MGPs. Black and grey lines indicate reactions available and those unavailable in the generic human GEM Recon 2M.2, respectively. b Number of the retrieved papers on 13 target genes in the MGPs predicted for CNS-GBM/Oligo and various cancers in general. Pink and grey circles indicate target genes known to be cancer driver genes and passenger genes, respectively. The size of each circle indicates the number of the MGPs predicted for CNS-GBM/Oligo. c Distribution of previous relevant studies for each MGP predicted for CNS-GBM/Oligo. Different colors of the cell represent different levels of consistency between the predicted MGPs and the reported studies, as defined in the table in the upper right-hand corner. White cells indicate that no MGPs were predicted for that particular combination of a gene, a metabolite, and a pathway. If a metabolite belongs to two or more pathways, an asterisk (*) is added at the end of its name below the heatmap; if a metabolite belongs to two metabolic pathways, that metabolite with the second appearance is labeled with a single asterisk, and two asterisks for that metabolite with the third appearance

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