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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: AnnoPRO: a strategy for protein function annotation based on multi-scale protein representation and a hybrid deep learning of dual-path encoding

Fig. 6

A comparison among the performances of AnnoPRO and three methods (DeepGOPlus, PFmulDL, and BPM) under six GO categories using the same sub-datasets and partition strategy as that of a previous publication [32]. BPM: the best-performing methods for the ‘ontology-based PFP benchmark’ in that original publication. The performances were assessed based on Fmax, and the performances of AnnoPRO, BPM, DeepGOPlus, and PFmulDL were highlighted in light red, orange, light green, and light blue, respectively. Each of those quadrangular-stars represented the best-performing model under a particular GO category and GO class. (a) Biological Process; (b) Molecular Function; and (c) Cellular Component. As illustrated, the AnnoPRO demonstrated the best performances in the vast majority (17 out of 18) of the studied GO categories

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