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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: The androgen receptor interacts with GATA3 to transcriptionally regulate a luminal epithelial cell phenotype in breast cancer

Fig. 4

Activation of AR induces GATA3 chromatin binding at AR/GATA3 co-occupied loci in ER-negative breast cancer cells. Volcano plot reporting the FDR adjusted p-value and the log2FC of GATA3 (A), AR (B), and H3K27ac (C) chromatin binding events in MDA-MB-453 (MB-453) breast cancer cells treated with DHT vs Veh. For visualization of differential binding patterns, the threshold for gain or loss in volcano plots is shown as in Fig. 2. D Two-factor log-ratio (M) plot displaying DHT-induced changes in GATA3 and AR enrichment at chromatin binding sites in MDA-MB-453 cells. Point color denoting treatment-induced transcription factor occupancy as described in Fig. 3, where red dots indicate loci where occupancy of AR and GATA3 is enriched following treatment with DHT. E Average read density plots for AR (left) and GATA3 (right) chromatin occupancy proximal (< 100 kb) to unique or shared genes in MDA-MB-453 cells treated in vitro with DHT. F Example genome browser images showing GATA3, AR, and H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals at binding sites associated with AR target genes ZBTB16 (left panel) and SEC14L2 (right panel) in MDA-MB-453 cells. Data represents the average signal of three replicates. G Consensus GATA3 and AR ChIP-seq data from D showing heatmaps demonstrative of a DHT-induced gain in GATA3 chromatin binding sites that are shared with AR

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