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Fig. 4 | Genome Biology

Fig. 4

From: ConDoR: tumor phylogeny inference with a copy-number constrained mutation loss model

Fig. 4

ConDoR infers a phylogeny that is consistent with the copy-number clones in a metastatic colorectal cancer dataset. a The ConDoR phylogeny shows loss of bridge mutations FHIT and ATP7B and suggests monoclonal origin of the liver metastasis. b Losses inferred by ConDoR are supported by copy-number profiles from whole genome sequencing data of 42 cells from the same patient in the original study [37] (heatmap showing copy-number profiles adapted from [37]). Mutations LRP1B, LINGO2_1, and NR4A3 lie in regions (black boxes) that decrease in copy-number between the clusters that label the vertices on the edge in the phylogeny where the corresponding mutation (bold text in (a)) is lost : P\(\rightarrow\)M1 for LRP1B and LINGO2_1, and M1\(\rightarrow\)M2 for NR4A3

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