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Fig. 3 | Genome Biology

Fig. 3

From: Data-driven identification of total RNA expression genes for estimation of RNA abundance in heterogeneous cell types highlighted in brain tissue

Fig. 3

Distribution of ranks and relationship between total nuclear expression and expression of candidate TREGs. a Distribution of the expression rank (y-axis) over all nuclei for genes AKT3, ARID1B, and MALAT1 (three candidate TREGs) and POLR2A (a known HK gene). The candidate TREGs show higher rank invariance compared to POLR2A (related to Fig. 1b). b The distribution of the expression ranks (y-axis) over all cell types (x-axis) for the three candidate TREGs shows less expression rank variability across most cell types compared to POLR2A. c Scatter plot of the total RNA expression (estimated by the nuclei log2 sum of all counts) against the nuclei gene expression (log2 of the count plus one) for MALAT1, overlaid with the linear fit for each cell type and colored by cell type. d Linear fits of total nuclear RNA expression against the gene expression in the nuclei, similar to c for POLR2A, AKT3, and AR1D1B. The expression of candidate TREGs show consistent positive linear relationships with total RNA expression in each nucleus across all cell types, unlike POLR2A where the neurons have a different pattern than other cell types

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