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Fig. 1 | Genome Biology

Fig. 1

From: Dominance is common in mammals and is associated with trans-acting gene expression and alternative splicing

Fig. 1

Additive and dominance heritabilities across organismal traits in three populations. a–f Scatter plots of Additive phenotypic variance component \({V}_{a}\) (x-axis) vs dominance component \({V}_{d}\) (y-axis), either estimated from genome-wide SNPs (a–c) or from accumulated significant QTLs (d–f) of 241 traits in F2 pigs, 206 traits in HS rats, and 124 traits in HS mice respectively. Within each scatter plot, each dot denotes a trait, scaled to have unit variance so that variance components are also heritabilities \({h}_{a}^{2}, {h}_{d}^{2}\). Dot colors show trait categories as tabulated in the left insets. The marginal histograms display distributions of \({V}_{a}\) (blue, top) and \({V}_{d}\) (red, right) of traits in each population, and their average values are indicated by upper-right inset bar plots. g–i Average \({V}_{a}\) (left) \({V}_{d}\) (right) for each population, classified by trait category

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