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Fig. 5 | Genome Biology

Fig. 5

From: Pervasive under-dominance in gene expression underlying emergent growth trajectories in Arabidopsis thaliana hybrids

Fig. 5

Rare allele burden affects gene expression and the emergence of F1 growth advantage. A-C Association between gene expression rank and upstream rare allele count of additive genes (A), positive genes (B), and negative genes in inbred parents (C). Average upstream rare allele counts were calculated sensu Kremling et al. (2018) [31]: for each gene within the gene list (the cluster), all inbred samples received a rank based on their expression value. Across the gene list, average upstream rare allele counts of all samples sharing the same rank were plotted as points, and lines indicate LOWESS trend lines. Insets show the upstream rare-allele count of samples in the top (Mock 10, BTH10) and bottom decile (Mock 1, BTH 1) of expression ranks. D–F Association between gene expression rank and upstream rare allele count of three gene lists in F1 hybrids. F1 samples are ranked by expression value the same way as the inbreds in A–C. The rare allele count for the F1s is calculated as the average number of rare alleles between their corresponding parents. G–I Association between rosette growth emergence and mean parental rare allele burden in additive (G), positive (H), and negative (I) genes. For each gene, F1s were ranked by the average number of rare alleles in their parents. Points: average non-additivity in rosette size of all F1s sharing the same rank; lines: LOWESS trend lines

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