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Fig. 6 | Genome Biology

Fig. 6

From: A DNA adenine demethylase impairs PRC2-mediated repression of genes marked by a specific chromatin signature

Fig. 6

ALKBH1 binds to a subset of the PRC2 (EMF2b) targets in the rice genome. a Metaplots and heatmaps of ALKBH1-binding levels in EMF2b binding genes (n = 6240). b Metaplots of H3K27me3 levels of the genes (1068) commonly bound by EMF2b and ALKBH1 (upper) compared to those bound by EMF2b only (lower) in WT and alkbh1. c The fold change (log2) of H3K27me3 of the two gene populations in alkbh1 relative to wild type. The P-value was calculated based on the t-test. d The Venn diagram between 1068 genes commonly bound by EMF2b and ALKBH1 and 225 ALKBH1-binding genes that shown increased H3K27me3 in the alkbh1 mutants. e Expression levels (in log2 TPM) of the 137 genes in wild type and alkbh1. f Anti-EMF2b ChIP-PCR detection of EMF2b binding to the 7 ALKBH1-targeted genes in wild type and alkbh1. Data represent the means ± SD (three separate experiments per sample). Statistical significance between wild type and alkbh1 was calculated by Student’s t-test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. n, no significant difference

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