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Fig. 8 | Genome Biology

Fig. 8

From: Single-cell resolution analysis reveals the preparation for reprogramming the fate of stem cell niche in cotton lateral meristem

Fig. 8

A proposed model of the molecular regulation of cotton plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. a Chromatin-modifying proteins repress or restrict expression of transcription factors (TFs) during SE. Red represents Jin668, blue represents TM-1, and gray represents monocotyledon. The symbols in the box represent the main differences between Jin668 and TM-1. It includes gene expression pattern, differential expressed genes, gene co-expression network, and pseudo-time analysis. b–e The main factors affecting SE and regulatory network of related genes. Including auxin (b), cytokinin (c), ethylene pathways (d), and wound induction process (e). The reported and newly identified regulatory genes under the single-cell resolution in this study based on gene differential expression, cell trajectory inference, RNA velocity fate determination, and co-expression gene interaction are labeled in the corresponding module. The red oval represents the gene specifically expressed in Jin668, and the gray arrow represents the predicted SE-related genes. Overall, Jin668 and TM-1 exhibited distinct regulation model including 20 core genes (such as LAX2, WOX4, AGL15, WIND1) during the plant regeneration process via somatic embryogenesis

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