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Figure 1 | Genome Biology

Figure 1

From: Non-targeted transcription factors motifs are a systemic component of ChIP-seq datasets

Figure 1

Zinger binding motifs are enriched across multiple human ChIP-seq datasets. (A) The histogram displays the results of TFBS motif enrichment analysis on 281 human ChIP-seq datasets generated with the oPOSSUM 3.0 software. Along the x-axis is the fraction of datasets that displayed enrichment near the peakMax for a TF profile. The y-axis is the number of TF profiles that were found enriched for a given fraction of datasets. The profiles most frequently observed to be enriched are labeled on the histogram. The likelihood (P values) of a PWM with the same width, information content, and GC composition as the CTCF, GABPA, or JUN PWMs to attain the enrichment frequency observed in the histogram follow: 2.5e-44 for CTCF, 2.8e-09 for GABPA, and 3.7e-08 for JUN. (B) The binding site logos of the 10 TF binding models with enriched motifs across the greatest number of datasets, manually grouped by motif similarity. Each logo depicts position along the x-axis and information content (that is, pattern strength) along the y-axis. (C) Motifs detected consistently by ab initio motif discovery across five datasets of 5,000 random sequences. The upper motif is similar to the CTCF logo in section B, while the lower motif is similar to the motif for the THAP11 TF.

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