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Figure 1 | Genome Biology

Figure 1

From: Decoding the massive genome of loblolly pine using haploid DNA and novel assembly strategies

Figure 1

(A) The sources of haploid and diploid genomic DNA. The reproductive cycle of a conifer showing the unique sources of haploid and diploid genomic DNA sequenced. Both the ova pronucleus and the megagametophyte are derived by mitotic divisions from a single one of the four haploid meiotic segregant megaspores. The tissue from a single megagametophyte formed the basis for all of our shorter insert paired end Illumina libraries (Table 1). To construct longer insert libraries (Illumina mate pair and Fosmid DiTag) requiring greater amounts of starting DNA, needles from the parental genotype (20-1010) were used. (B) Sequencing and assembly schematic. An overlap layout consensus assembly, made possible by MaSuRCA’s critical reduction phase, was followed by additional scaffolding, incorporating transcript assemblies, to improve contiguity and completeness [9, 11].

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