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Figure 6 | Genome Biology

Figure 6

From: Functional annotation of the human brain methylome identifies tissue-specific epigenetic variation across brain and blood

Figure 6

Between-individual variation in DNA methylation is often correlated between blood and brain. (a) Between-individual variation in DNA methylation is highest in blood and lowest in the cortex. All tissues show a similarly significant (ANOVA P < 0.001) distribution of variability across features, with the greatest between-individual variation occurring in non-promoter CGIs. Scores represent the mean difference in normalized MeDIP-seq read density between individual 1 and 2 for each of the feature categories. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Features 1 to 4 = promoter, intragenic, 3', and intergenic CGIs; features 4 to 8 = promoter, intragenic, 3', and intergenic CGI shores; feature 9 = CDS; features 10 to 12 = HCPs, ICPs, and LCPs. (b) Between-individual differences in DNA methylation observed in blood are significantly (P < 0.001) correlated with differences observed in the cerebellum (correlation = 0.76) and cortex (correlation = 0.66) from the same individuals. Scores represent the mean difference in normalized MeDIP-seq read density between individual 1 and 2 for each of the quantified features.

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